As a traveller, you can choice what is the best way to do your visit in Sri Lanka. Each option has its specific advantage and disadvantage and we will explain you every bit of them to find out the best option for you.

Traveling Partners and Agents

There are lot of experienced travelling agents and guides in Sri Lanka to assist foreign travellers. This will help you to arrange the tour more properly and comfortable.

Public Transport

Most local Sri Lankans use public transport as well as their personol vehicles for their daily requirements. There are only two public transport options in the country.

Public Buses

  • Public buses are available everywhere in the country and also it is one of the most cheapest transport option in Sri Lanka.
  • Public buses are available in three forms: Normal, Semi-Luxury,Luxury

Advantages of public buses

  • Availbality throught the country
  • Loq cost

Disadvantages of public buses

  • Less comfortable
  • Highly crowded
  • Highly time consuming
  • Less availble in nights, specially in short routes

Trains in Sri Lanka

Trains are available in some parts of the country. Trains are also availble in different forms: Fully Air Conditioned, 1st class, 2nd class and 3rd class. Also, there are tourism oriented trains too, sppecially for foreign toutists.

Advanatages of travelling by Trains in Sri Lanka

  • Have a wonderful scenrary locations
  • Cheap
  • Reasonably comfortable than public buses

Disadvantage of travelling by Trains in Sri Lanka

  • Delays
  • Possibility of being highly crowded if you reserve a 3rd class or 2nd class in weekends or long weekends

Rent a Vehicle

You can rent a bicycle, motorbike, car or van according to your requirement. You need a internationally valid driving licence to drive in the roads of Sri Lanka.

Hire a Vehicle

You can hire a vehicle with a driver to travel. Be cautious about the language you mostly used is compatible with the driver of your renting vehicle. Most of the tourism industry based drivers and guides in Sri Lanka are well capable of handling English. And there also people who are good in other languages also.